Links of the Day

Links of the Day

1. Oppulent homes of the 99. Some of those OWS protesters seem to be pretty well off for people who claim to be protesting against the wealth of the people at the top.

2. The EU has prohibited the use of airport body scanners that use x-rays. In related news, the Transportation Security Administration in the United States has failed to follow through on its promise to conduct safety studies on the x-ray machines currently being used in many US airports (not all body scanners use x-rays, and the ones that use x-rays use fairly low amounts of x-rays, but unlike x-ray machines at the doctor’s office, the x-rays used by the body scanners are mostly absorbed by the skin, thus concentrating the energy received into a relatively small part of the body; the safety of this practice has not been studied).

3. End bonuses for bankers.

4. Huge pools of liquid water lie beneath the surface of Europa, the icy moon of Juipter. Arthur C. Clarke may have been right after all.

5. Orbiting solar power plants may be possible within a decade.

3 thoughts on “Links of the Day

  1. Really interesting articles. Especially liked the OWS houses. Last month when I was in NYC and wondered through Zucatti park, I wondered how many of 99% were in the top 90%. You may really like the numbers chart from

  2. The “End Bonuses for Bankers” is behind a pay wall, do you have a summary or another way to access it. I’d like to read it.

    1. The link still works for me, so I’m not sure why you’re not able to see it. For NYT to work, your browser has to be configured to accept their cookies (or, if you’ve been reading NYT too much, you may have hit their limit on free articles you are allowed to read, so you might try removing any browser cookies from the NYT). I couldn’t find any links to the full text of the article, but these three links provide excerpts and summaries of it:

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