Links of the Day
1. Scientifically Proven Tips For a More Productive Office. This summarizes some easy ways (which have been confirmed with scientific research) to increase productivity: bluer lights, bringing nature into the office, having a highly adjustable chair, and maintaining a comfortable (or slightly cold) temperature.
2. Cell Phones Track Your Every Move and You May Not Even Know. A German politician obtained the data his cell phone provider’s records about his movements. They had six month’s worth of data about everywhere he had been (as long as he had his cell phone with him).
3. Greatest Reduction in World Poverty Ever in History. An economic study concluded that “[u]sing the official $1/day line, we estimate that world poverty rates have fallen by 80% from 0.268 in 1970 to 0.054 in 2006 (see chart above).”
4. The Republican fluency with science. Except for evolution, Republicans and Conservatives are more science literate than Democrats.